I now know enough about dentistry to be let loose on patients... Ok well maybe just my own classmates for now, but I'll be cleaning teeth before you know it and then next summer I should be able to do fillings and other procedures. To mark this milestone, the school put on a white coat ceremony. The white coat symbolizes the enormous responsibility and obligation to take care of patients to the best of our ability.
What an honor.
I even got to have my picture taken with the dean.
My mom was pretty stoked too.
As were all my other friends and colleagues in white coats.
On another note, our friend, Patrick, who lives across the street has recently become the caretaker of 8 tiny puppies. If I could figure out a way to give Korey one for Father's Day, I would. Does being the father of my children that I haven't had yet qualify him to get awesome gifts on father's day?
Probably not.
Can you blame me for trying?

They are for sale, so just contact me if you're interested. I'm not sure when they'll be ready to go to a new home, but I know Patrick would love to find them all good families.
PUPPIES!!! Linz, you look beautiful in your pics--congratulations!