The semester has ended and I have made it! I have survived 12 finals, countless lab projects, countless mornings up at 4:30am to study (every day for the last 2 weeks), and seemingly unending powerpoint presentations. I am officially a sophomore dental student and I am so thankful for a few weeks of rest. I hope that I do not complain too much on this blog of mine. Honestly, dental school is hard, but not impossible, and I really do enjoy the work. I love talking with Korey about our future plans for our dental office and our home. I so look forward to starting that part of my life, even though these four years are what all those dreams are based upon. I am trying to learn to be content where I am. I feel like I've always been looking ahead rather than truly being where I am at the moment. When I was in highschool, I longed to be in college. In college it was dental school, and now that I'm here, all I can think about are the days when I will come home from work and think about fun things rather than thinking about sleep all the time.
So since school has ended, I have been making things left and right, hanging out by the pool, and, as my sweet husband will attest to, not doing a single dish or washing any clothes. Although today I have changed my evil ways and have in fact spent it cleaning. But who wants to read about cleaning? (Well, if you do, head over to Fly lady and have at it) Here is a little bit of what I've been doing these past few days (minus pictures from the pool... fat can only get tan one way people and I don't have enough confidence to air my bathing suit body out on the internet.)
The night after my last final was the guido/guidette class party. I take my italian heritage very seriously, so of course I broke out the bronzer and got out my bathing suit cover up.
Ok So the bronzer was actually my friend Destiny's.
Here is the closeup of my super cool black eye that everyone thought was real but definitely was painted on and washed right off at the end of the night, along with my super awesome tan.
The idea was to look like Snookie after she got punched in the eye at the bar.
Our next stop was an impromtu cookout over at David Forrest's place. Where I got this awesome picture of Ben. I just love that his shirt says "Hope." This is what I looked like at the beginning of freshman year.
Then Destiny and I went on a crafting and cooking spree.
Can you guess what we made?

Here are the ingredients...

It's coconut milk icecream! Which means that I can eat it because it is lactose free and amazing!
And now I am lusting after Destiny's awesome icecream maker.
Then we started on our mother's day projects.

We made cookies and icing

And more icing

And more cookies
And then we made these super cute jars. See how the tag says "Mom, you are..."
We wrote words on the cookies that described our moms and then we filled up the jars.

Super cute right? I thought so too, but the cookies got all smashed and the writing broken. Epic. Fail. Oh well. I think that next time, the icing needs to firm up more before I put them in the jar. Maybe I'll try this again next year. In the meantime, I might find something else to put in them. I wonder if I just wrote the compliments on slips of paper if it would be as nice.
Then we made these garden signs. It was so easy. I got the idea from My friend's blog and she got it from tatortots and jello
So you see, it's been a busy week. Now off to dinner with Dustin and Lyndsey and then to pack for the Amazon.
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