I cannot believe that it has been a week since I have been in school. I do so love being home. Every morning I wake up feeling like I must've slept in until 10 or 11 and then I see the clock and say "Is it really only 7:30?!" I am such a morning person when I've gotten some rest. The only thing that could make it better would be a porch and some hot tea. Korey is a morning person too and I love that about him. We just hang out together in the mornings, which is a good thing because we've both been busy this week.
My sister is getting married in less than two months, most of which I will either be in the torment of my 11 finals (not an exaggeration. There are literally 11 finals. O. M. G.) or I will be out of the country. I'm getting really excited about the mission trip to Peru and a little nervous about it too. Support has been coming in but I haven't raised the amount I need to and I'm struggling with ideas as to how to come up with the rest of the money. I'm trusting God to provide for me and I'm so thankful for those that have sent money to support me already.
(If you didn't get a support letter, I'm sorry. I sent one to everyone that I had a current address for and I'm just not organized enough to have everyone's. It's a character flaw.)
So what did I do this week so far? I ate a TON of food, and Easter candy. Does Easter candy count as food? I did a lot of planning and crafting for my sister's bridal shower, spent some quality time with friends and family, studied (but only a little) and got to meet some very special baby ducks

And play with some beautiful babies

Well I'm off to bed. My sister's bridal shower is tomorrow and then I'm off with Korey to see David Gray in concert! I am so excited! I will surely update all about it soon! (Soon= probably after my practical on tuesday)
Good night, moon.
pshh. morning people.
and david gray!? what?! i'm so jealous!