We had so much fun hanging out at the beach with our buddies Stella and Brad. I find myself staring at the background to my computer in between my classes and wishing I could be back there by the sand and sea.
We ate oysters drowning in butter at Hunt's
And drank fruity drinks by the bay while we watched the sunset
Stella and I lusted after clothing

And jewelry

While our men were completely enthralled by the stunt kites Korey and I brought.
It was amazing to watch the boys make them dive toward the sand

And then swoop them upward back into the sky without ever touching the ground.

We made orange sherbet
And of course, lounged at the beach.
Where my biggest dilemma was whether to help or take a picture.
What a sweet trip with sweet friends.
They even brought their sweet little dog, Nanette.
I couldn't resist taking a million pictures of her.

One night, Stella and I decided to have a nanette photo shoot on the beach at sunset. It goes without saying that this dog loves the sand.
She ran this way
And that way
And this way again.
and her ears flapping freely in the wind.

She wanted sand on every part of her, especially her ears.

Although she instantly bonded with the sand, it took a little coaxing to get her into the surf.
She finally pranced into the water with Stella by her side

And unfortunately the poor soul was promptly met with a stout wave.
After that, she was content to watch the waves from a distance.
or safe in the arms of her mama.
And now that our beach trip is over, I want it to instantly be fall. Does anyone else feel that way? I'm ready for football games and intramural sports, crisp weather, light jackets, and the golden colors of autumn. I can already feel the anticipation building inside me for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
please end soon. You are beautiful and wonderful and warm but please set like the sun. I'm ready for cool autumn air to come my way and I have this really cute jacket I would love to be able to wear.
That dove necklace in the jewelry picture- WANT! And love the upended umbrella in the surf.