I am a day studier. I always have been. Although, like my lactose intolerance, I haven't always acknowledged it. I have spent many caffeine induced all nighters, the result of which was usually regrets and verbal diarrhea. Since then, I've let go of my delusions of night owl grandeur and embraced my inner morning person. So during the last weekend to study for finals, I studied during the day and started raising my holiday freak flag at night. First up, Lights of the South. 100 acres and 4 million Christmas lights. Yes, please.

We chose to ride the hayride through the light display and it was magical.

We went back to Cinderella's castle and took cheesy pictures of ourselves.

We got our picture taken with Santa, who managed to demand in a non-creepy way that we both sit on his lap. I didn't even know there was a non-creeper way to say that to an adult. Santa's got game.

The very next night, we went to the lighting of the tree complete with fireworks.

I love these moments. Sometimes the monotony of dental school can get to me. All work and no play. Practice, practice, practice is the year long theme with no grand recital in sight. Such is life. At least my life has felt that way, a little like practicing the piano. Talent is God-given and man-refined, so I rally on. Practice. Practice. Practice. Oh the steady drum of life. It's the steady beat of practice that drives fear off the stage. I just keep on and I know that one day all my hard work will pay off, if not in spades, then in sweet dreams, peaceful slumber and heavy blankets on my bed at night. "A man reaps what he sows." Galations 6:7. I'm placing all my bets on that.

I sent you an email about your Colorado visit. Making sure you got it!
ReplyDeleteThat is one of the best lighting displays I've ever seen!! I'm so jealous!!