My sweet little baby puppy has grown in leaps and bounds.

She has learned to swim with her paws under the water.

And is now surpassed Clover in the art of fetching, even though she still lets Clover bring it back part way, before attacking her and bringing it on home.

My sweet husband won 2nd and 3rd place in Business Law and Marketing in the state competition and even got to compete nationally in Orlando.

We went kayaking twice.

Korey even brought his mustache along for the ride.
And I and some friends attempted to float down the river.

We saw my college roommate get married and caught up with other friends from college.

I harvested exactly one batch of tomatoes, but they all died when we went home for a couple weeks so I could take my boards.

And I harvested exactly 1 cucumber before Ginger discovered the wonder of home grown foods and the cucumber vine died a violent death by chewing.

We took a spontaneous road trip for Independence Day and looked for historical markers.

I chopped off my hair and sent it to Locks of Love and managed to not be stuck with a terrible hair cut afterward.

We attended Cousin Courtney's wedding. Everything was gorgeous including the beautiful bride.

I've gotten to see my pawpaw more and I love that I have been able to spend more time with him lately.

We've officially moved into the new school. This is the incredible giant mosaic artwork chandelier in the lobby.

This is the only picture I took from the official boards afterparty. It was a lot of fun, but was certainly not as fun as Fogo de Choa with miss Tracey.

We've started trying to coupon which has been hit or miss, but I'm learning and we're saving. Buying the paper definitely has its perks in the sense that we saw the advertisement for Arts in the Heart of Augusta.

I'll have to write about that next time, so this post isn't miles long.
Did I mention my husband is now a Hull Scholar? I always knew he was a smarty pants.

Did I mention that I slaved studying for months and then I passed a National Dental Board Part 1?... :) Minor details. I have very sweet friends and they all made sure I felt very special and rewarded. I even had an unexpected spa day and a certain sweet friend of mine, Katie, had these beautiful flowers delivered to my house. Sunflowers and daisies are my favorite.

And after all that....I am dog tired.

Aw, I'm sorry about your plants. Your hair looks great! And I am so proud of you and Korey!
Congratulations to you both!! Those are awesome achievements. I am most jealous, however, of that tubing. That looked so fun, relaxing, and LAZY. I wanna go!!