Who else is loving the time change? Because, I do. I love the sunshine. I love that it's light outside when I wake up. I love the heat of the day. It's like a salve for my soul. I can feel the energy. The whole earth is gearing up for summer. It reminds me of running. When I was training for the half marathon, I would always try to sprint the last lap around the track. It was a way of proving to myself that I can always do more, that I could've run faster or further. Running distance is such a mental game. If I've learned one thing over the years, it's that my body is capable of doing so much more than I think it can.
Whenever I was running the second to last lap, I would think, "Here we are. It's the slingshot. I'm gearing up to sprint and the faster I sprint, the sooner it will be over." Maybe it's foolish, but it always felt that way and I could sense it coming around that last corner to the moment when I would start to sprint. The image of a slingshot being stretched back and tense, waiting to be free. Of course it was probably slightly less dramatic if you had seen it in person. It's hard to make a 10 minute mile sprint look dramatic, but I felt it. And I feel it now with the seasons. Pulling back the slingshot of spring before the sprint of summer.
So spring has sprung.
No more hot soup on cold days.
Grass and the kitchen garden have been planted.

And everything is growing, especially me.

I keep playing this song over and over
Our dog days haven't even begun.

LOVE the pictures!