Oh my. How to begin? It's hard to start a post when so much has happened in between this one and the last. First there was Valentine's Day, then my dad, my mom, and I all had birthdays. I have had a million bajillion things due for school. (Yes, million bajillion is a real number. I believe it looks like this 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.) Oh yeah, and Korey bought me something really special for my 28th birthday.
He bought me a puppy. The very puppy that is sweetly sleeping at my feet right now and that I have yet to spank into submission. Now don't think I beat my dogs. I'm usually pretty serious about the discipline, but she's always giving me that face.....
Who could not love this face?
Clover wasn't sure about her at first, but they have quickly become best friends and partners in crime.
And so our family is complete....for now.
On a completely other random note, I ran the Disney princess half marathon last Sunday. My friend and schoolmate, Destiny, ran it with me. We weren't there long, but we still managed to squeeze in a few hours at the Magic Kingdom. Destiny had never been.
First, we went on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride.
A Johnny Depp lookalike made an excellent edition to the Pirates experience. Isn't it crazy how much he looks like him!?
We rode all of the rides we could get on including the teacups and both big roller coasters. The line for Space Mountain said 70 minutes, but we waited anyway. Who can go to Disney for the first time and not ride Space Mountain? Sacrilege! Luckily for us, the wait must have not been updated because we did not wait more than 30 minutes.
This picture below is my favorite one. What a magical place. I can't wait to take my children some day.
So we took the monorail back to the parking lot at sunset after the street party and tried to get some sleep before the big race.
We had to leave the house at 3:00 AM to get to the race on time. If we weren't in our corral at 5, they would not have let us race.
There were an amazing amount of people there. I was told 22,000 ran total and 17,000 ran in our race alone.
It was such a fun race to run.
There were characters or some form of entertainment around each mile.
I ran with my little point and shoot camera.
There was even an epcot air balloon.
Also....please note that the mickey mouse men in tattoos and tutus also ran! haha. There were so many interesting "characters" running. One man, I kept trying to get a picture of, ran the entire race in a full green frog prince costume with a personal ad-esq sign on his back that he was looking for his princess. Well he came to the right place.
It was such an experience. Who else gets to run through the park while the sun rises?
Or take pictures with characters that can't be offended by your sweaty smelly self?
Or get entertained by the local fire department who dirty danced on their firetruck to the tune of "Shorty fire burnin' on the dance floor?"
Or get cheered on by the local "retirement community?"
The run was so much fun, but it surely wasn't easy. I was so happy to see that finish line and know that we had made it. It felt like we were the last ones there, but we got our medals and I saw that I was number 12,007 to cross that finish line. 12,007 out of 17,000 aint bad....not bad at all.
Although it was nice to get away for the weekend, I must say the best part was coming home to my two princesses, and my very own prince charming.